Thursday, June 5, 2014

DIY: Holographic clutch

I do not have words to express how breathtaking this tutorial is thanks to the DIY genius, Erica Domesek. When I first came in contact with this DIY I was shocked by how such a simple tutorial can turn out into something merely extraordinary. When I found out of the existence of these holographic adhesive sheets so many projects and ideas struck my mind, but my favorite of all was this holographic clutch. Trust me when I say this is by far the best tutorial e v e r ! Not only because of the amazing results that you will encounter, but also because of how simple, fast, and cheap (less than $10) this is.   

What you need:
  • Holographic adhesive sheet (I went the easy way and ordered mine online for $4 at Ebay, but I believe you can get this at your local "papelerĂ­a", also known as stationary stores)
  • Pencil/pen
  • Scissors
  • Envelope folder with a button or velcro closure
  • Step 1: Trace the contour of your envelope around the sheet.
  • Step 2: After tracing it, you will cut around the marks, leaving you with a shape like this:
  • Step 3: Finally peel of the adhesive sheet, and paste it all over the envelope. (This part is tricky so be very careful while pasting the adhesive sheet)
  • OPTIONAL: Depending on the type of envelope, you can cut around the button or velcro area with an x-acto knife. Also, I added a button to give the clutch more texture.


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